Emergency Situations List

When to call the paramedics or ambulance service

The following is a list of situations when it would be appropriate to call 911. There may be other situations when 911 should be called.

Call 911 for emergency assistance if any of the following conditions exist.

If a person:

  • becomes unconscious
  • has chest pain or pressure
  • has trouble breathing
  • has no pulse and no breathing
  • is bleeding severely
  • is vomiting blood or bleeding from the rectum
  • has fallen and may have broken bones
  • has had a seizure
  • has a severe headache and slurred speech
  • has pressure or severe pain in the abdomen that does not go away

Call 911 if

  • moving the person could cause further injury.
  • traffic or distance would cause a life-threatening delay in getting to the hospital.
  • the person is too heavy to lift or help.

Non-life-threatening Emergencies

There are some emergency situations that are not life threatening but need immediate attention. In these situations notify the doctor or go to an urgent care clinic or hospital emergency room.

If a person:

  • has a temperature greater than 102 ° F
  • has diarrhea that lasts longer than 24 hours
  • has swelling, pain, and redness in the legs
  • has fainted, and is difficult to arouse

If you or your worker is not sure that a situation is an emergency, call one of the following to get clarification:

  • the doctor or the nurse at the doctor's office
  • the emergency room
  • the home health care nurse

Emergency Contacts and Important Phone Numbers


Emergency Medical Information Form


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